The profits from the Quota Christmas Gift & Craft Fair help support these efforts. If you would like information on how to contribute to one of our projects or scholarships, please select the "Contact Us" tab above and send us a message. Additional information about each Community Organization can be found by clicking on their name.
Quota of Salisbury Projects:
Cops 'N Kids: This program was designed to assure that every child has access to books and the knowledge, inspiration and hope. Quota provides, to participating law enforcement officers, books to be distributed to children while the officers are on normal patrol, often in neighborhoods where violence and fear are an everyday occurrences. Providing a positive view of our police officers helps to eliminate the apprehension that generally accompanies the appearance of a police car. The founder and director of Cops 'N Kids, Inc., Julia Burney, is a veteran of the City of Racine, WI Police Department. During her 17 years as a police officer, she saw firsthand what happens to children who do not have access to books. They were denied the hope that literacy brings. So Julia began handing out books carried in her patrol car to children in the areas she patrolled. Soon the children began looking for her patrol car and approached her in friendship rather than fear. Our Salisbury Club currently has Seven Quota Reading Corners which provide books to disadvantaged children.
Court Kids: The Quota Sheriff's Kids Program is designed for Quota Clubs to work with their local protective services agency responsible for the care of children removed from their homes and parents during violent or harmful situations. Traditionally, these children are only allowed to take plastic garbage bags with some personal items, if there is time to do so, so they are often referred to as "garbage bag kids." This Program provides an alternative to that stigma. In Wicomico County, the Department of Foster Care and Adoption is responsible for the care and placement of these children. Quota of Salisbury obtains duffel & diaper bags, which are filled with toiletries, pajamas, underwear, socks, toys, books or baby necessities and provides them to the department. It is very important for these children to have something of their own at this trying time. Once given, the bags and items belong to the children and never have to be returned. This enhances their self-esteem during a very difficult time in their young lives and eases their transition into foster care. Currently an average of 43 children a year are placed locally in foster care, with the majority of these children from the City of Salisbury.
Hearing Aid Assistance:Quota of Salisbury provides annual funding for Wicomico County Board of Education's Hearing Aid Loan Bank at the Audiology Center at Pinehurst Elementary School. We also provide funding for special needs such as assistance with the purchasing of hearing aids and batteries for those in need.
High School Seniors Scholarships: Each year the Quota Club of Salisbury gives a scholarship to a graduating senior from each of the four Wicomico County High Schools (Mardela Middle & Senior High School, Parkside High School, James M. Bennett High School and Wicomico High School). This is a community service based scholarship with preference given to deaf and/or hard of hearing graduating student and/or a student wishing to go into the healthcare field. More information may be obtained through the guidance counselors office at the high schools listed above.